“Reflexology is the application of specific pressures to reflex points in the hands and feet”
~ William Fitzgerald (1872 - 1942) ~
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a system of diagnosis and treatment carried out by exploring the feet (and sometimes hands) of the client. Reflexology is also referred to as the zone therapy and compression massage. In the feet and hands, there are reflex areas corresponding to all the parts of the body. By having the whole body represented in the feet, the method offers a means of treating the whole body and of treating the body as a whole (Holistic). This latter point is an important factor of natural therapy and allows not only symptoms to be treated but also the cause of symptoms. The popularity of Reflexology and other Holistic therapies has increased greatly in the last decade mainly due to change in attitude and public awareness to become aware of their own health needs and use holistic therapies as a port of call rather than a last resort. Reflexology does not aim to cure any condition or replace conventional medicine.
The term Reflexology can be misleading as it is often thought of as the response of reflexes within the nervous system of the body with the ‘knee-jerk’ test being the prime example. The reflexes within reflexology are thought of as reflections of the body systems within the hands and feet.

The word ‘holistic’ derives the Greek word ‘Holos’, meaning ‘whole’. The holistic approach is to view a condition in the context of the whole body. It’s a range of therapies which stimulate & support the body’s own natural healing powers, healing not just the body, but the mind and spirit too.

Benefits & Effects
Reflexology has many benefits, especially that it reduces stress. The majority of today’s ilnesses are caused by stress, in fact, it is believed that 75% of illness is stress related. During each session of reflexology, more than 70,000 nerves are stimulated. Stress and tension are reduced and you become more relaxed. Crystal deposits which block the body’s natural pathways are broken down and allow energy to flow more freely. Your body will start to have a feeling of well being, and aches and pains will be reduced. Toxins which we take in from foodstuffs and even drinks like tea & coffee are detoxified and encourage the body to heal itself. Reflexology can be used to restore & maintain the body’s natural equilibrium and encourage healing, as well as helping many conditions including:
- Induces deep relaxation with physical & emotional rest
- Boosts circulation of blood
- Aids elimination
- Pain relief through analgesic effect on nerve supply
- Revitalises energy
- Stress relief
- Detoxification
- Stimulates creativity & productivity
- Human interaction & psychological comfort
How does it work?
There is no consceus of opinion on how exactly reflexology works. The concept of every part of the body being reflected on the hands & feet is still to this day not taken seriously by orthodox practioners, yet acupuncture was ridiculed for years before conventional medicine found means of satisfying itself that acupuncture points and meridians do exist. The skin contains thousands of nerve endings which are designed to respond to different stimuli such as heat, etc. Compressing and massaging the skin stimulates sensory receptors. This stimulus sends a message along the nervous system, producing various effects in any area or zone connected via the spinal cord. Endorphins are protein-like substances which have an analgesic effect and are related to mood & stress. Reflexology stimulates the production of endorphins by clearing nerve pathways that have to become overloaded with sensory information. It improves nerve stimulation to a particular body part but encouraging it to work efficiently by balancing itself an reducing the level of toxins which normalizes its function.